Good morning! So last week I decided I am a little crazy about pinterest as I am sure most people are. My favorite things to pin are recipes, now that I finished my culinary arts certificate cooking at home is so much fun!
I decided to try some cookie recipes to see if what I pinned really worked as well and the pinners claimed.
My first try was the pin that said add a package of instant pudding to your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. I just used the recipe off the bag of Nestle chocolate chips, added the pudding and I gotta tell you.....
They were amazing! This pin lived up to what I had expected. They were soft and chewy and stayed great for forever I was pretty impressed.
Speaking of Jello, my next pin was here at I heart nap time. Jello cookies and play dough.
These cookies were another story. The concept is great she has a base cookie recipe that you mix up, split into 4 bowls and add 2 Tbsp of different jello to each one to get a different color and taste. It is supposed to be a good consistency that your kids and play with it like play dough when they are done, you then roll them into balls and roll in the left over jello sugar, place on a cookie sheet, press them down with the bottom of a bowl and bake.
Now my take on it, the dough was very dry but it could very well be from the elevation here in Utah. I would suggest adding a little milk or water to the batch. Adding the jello was pretty hard it was very messy which is expected but getting the dough the right consistency after adding the jello, was even harder.
All in all the cookies tasted pretty good in the end and looked great.
Not going to lie, they are a lot of work.
Give these recipes a try and let us know what you think!
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